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Tracking Contact balance(s)

How to make an Obligation Template

Watch Video Click the Contacts icon in the sidebar. Select Obligation Templates. Click on Add Obligation Template. Select the activity...

Applying Obligation Templates to individual Contacts and in bulk

Watch Video After you have set up an Obligation Template, it can be applied to an individual contact or multiple...

How to see the balance for Contacts by Activity Account

Watch Video Click the Contacts icon in the sidebar. Select Contact Reports (from the tabs). Then choose Activity Account Balance...

How to apply a Reimbursement toward an obligation

Watch Video If you owe someone a reimbursement and they want to use the money they are owed towards an...

How to move money Between activity accounts to pay for an obligation

Sometimes groups ask individuals to fundraise and want to apply that fundraising money toward a member activity account obligation. This guide walks you thru the process of moving money between activity accounts to pay for an obligation.

How to set up Activity Accounts for individual Contacts and in bulk

You can track how much you've paid people and/or how much they've paid you using Activity Accounts. Find out how to set up Activity Accounts.

How to Rename an Activity Account

How to rename Activity Accounts to better reflect your activity.

How to Apply transactions to Contacts

When funds are paid to Contacts or received from them, this is applied to the Contact and the Activity Account when the bank transaction is entered.

How to Add Activity Account starting balances to Contacts

How to add Activity Account balances to contacts and how to carry forward Activity Account balances at the start of a new financial year.

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