How to track donated Gift cards

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Sometimes people or businesses generously donate gift cards to nonprofits for the purchase of items at that store. Following is a suggested way to track gift cards in MoneyMinder.

Click the Banking icon in the sidebar:

Click the Add Account dropdown.

Choose Bank Register (Manual Entry) from the dropdown.

Name the bank account (e.g. Grocery Store Gift Card) and set a $0 starting balance:

When the gift card is received, record a deposit into the bank account for the value of the gift card. This deposit can be allocated to “Donations” or whatever may be appropriate.

Note: Do not set the starting balance of the bank account to the gift card amount because that would make the Funds Available at Start of Year incorrect. Recording it as a deposit is more accurate and reflects reality.

As the card is used, transactions are recorded as withdrawals in that bank account up to the value of the gift card.

Note: This method will increase both your income and expenses, which reflects reality.

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