If you are fortunate enough to have some extra funds to donate this year, there are certainly plenty of charities that could use your help. So many reputable nonprofits rely on monetary donations from benefactors like you to accomplish their mission, which could cover everything from environmental and medical needs to cultural or domestic needs like hunger. And while life may have resumed some semblance of normalcy for some of us, for many, many others, COVID is still very much impacting their quality of life.
But, if you’re going to donate to a nonprofit, it’s good to know where those funds are going. You’d hate to have your hard-earned money be used solely toward an executive’s salary, for example. Luckily, Forbes has ranked 100 charities by how much of their funds are committed to the charity they support.
We at MoneyMinder took a look and compiled a list of the top charities that contribute 95% or more of their funds to their mission. This is not to say that the other charities are not worthwhile. After all, it takes money to raise money. But some nonprofits are able to contribute the vast majority of donations directly to their charitable efforts, and we thought it was worth knowing who they are.
25 Nonprofits With Over 95% of Donations Going to the Cause
1. Christian Blind Mission International (100%)
Committed to improving the lives of persons with disabilities in the poorest communities of the world, CBM is an international Christian organization that addresses poverty and disability. They work in partnership to create an inclusive society for all, with an emphasis on local capacity development to increase delivery in the fields of education, healthcare, rehabilitation and livelihood.
2. Direct Relief (100%)
Working in both the U.S. and internationally, Direct Relief helps doctors and nurses by equipping them with life-saving medical resources to care for the world’s most vulnerable people. This covers everything from fire relief, COVID-19 pandemic relief and supporting health equity in communities where racial disparities persist.
3. Heart to Heart International (100%)
Through resources, training, volunteers and disaster response, Heart to Heart International is on a mission to improve healthcare in the U.S. and around the world. They imagine a world in which every person has access to a healthy life, and they work to broaden access to healthcare services to all. Their work includes disaster response, refugee assistance, COVID-19 vaccination, labs, clinics and more.
MAP International (100%)
By providing medicines and health supplies to those in need around the world, MAP International is a Christian organization that serves all people regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality or ethnic background. In fact, even more than 100% of your donation to MAP International may go to the cause. Their website states that every dollar helps them provide more than $105 in donated medicines and supplies, due to receiving their supplies free or very cheap.
5. Midwest Food Bank (100%)
With the mission of alleviating hunger and malnutrition and providing disaster relief, this faith-based organization also feeds its beneficiaries spiritually. Midwest Food Bank distributes over $32 million worth of food to over 2,000 nonprofits in 12 locations each month. They are seeking monetary donations of any amount, as well as in-kind donations like vehicles, gift cards, jewelry, phones and more.
6. Feeding America (99%)
In the United States, 1 in 9 (38 million) people face hunger. That includes more than 12 million children, and “no one can thrive on an empty stomach”. Feeding America is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, supporting food banks and pantries in local communities.
7. Good360 (99%)
By providing hope, dignity and a sense of renewed possibilities to individuals, families and communities, Good360’s mission is to transform the lives of those impacted by disaster and other challenging life circumstances. They source highly needed goods and distribute them to those impacted by events such as Hurricane Ida, the Afghanistan Crisis, COVID-19, California Wildfires, Haiti Earthquake, 2021 Winter Storms and more.
8. HealthWell Foundation (99%)

With the mission of reducing financial barriers to healthcare for uninsured patients, HealthWell Foundation helps those with chronic or life-altering diseases by improving their access to care. Financial assistance helps with prescription copays, health insurance premiums and deductibles, pediatric treatment and travel costs.
9. Houston Food Bank (99%)
A member of Feeding America, the Houston Food Bank serves a million people in 18 counties in southeast Texas. Distributing food and other essentials to those who are “food insecure” through a network of 1,800 community partners, Houston Food Bank also provides programs and services to help families achieve long-term stability. These services include nutrition education, job training, health management and help securing state-funded assistance.
10. Matthew 25: Ministries (99%)
The M25M mission really says it all. They exist to provide “nutritional food to the hungry, clean water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, affordable shelter to the homeless, medical care to the ill, and humanitarian supplies to those in need”. The M25M believes that lending a helping hand to help meet a person’s basic needs can help them become self-reliant.
11. Step Up for Students (99%)
By empowering families to pursue the best learning options for their children, Step Up for Students helps fulfill the promise of equal opportunity education. By helping administer scholarships for Florida schoolchildren, they help give all students the tools of success. Scholarships include those to private schools, for special needs, for victims of bullying and for struggling readers.
12. Task Force for Global Health (99%)
By taking on the world’s worst diseases, the Task Force for Global Health believes health is a human right. They strengthen health systems so that countries can protect the health of their populations, eliminating diseases or bringing them under control. Some of their achievements include raising childhood immunization rates in developing countries, managing medications and spearheading the largest disease mapping project ever undertaken.
13. Americares Foundation (98%)
Poor health puts people at risk of not being able to attend school, be productive at work, or care for their families and communities. Americares helps save lives by improving health for people affected by poverty or disaster through emergency response, access to medicine, clinical and community health services.
14. Catholic Medical Mission Board (98%)
An international, faith-based NGO, CMMB provides long-term medical and developmental aid to communities affected by poverty and unequal access to healthcare. With a focus on women’s and children’s health, they help deliver sustainable health services in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Receiving the highest rating from Charity Navigator for ten years in a row, you can rest assured knowing your donation to CMMB is going straight to the cause.
15. American Kidney Fund (97%)
As the nation’s leading kidney nonprofit, the AKF fights kidney disease on behalf of the 37 million Americans living with the disease, and the millions more at risk. From prevention through post-transplant living, the organization supports people with an unmatched scope of programs. Prevention, early detection, financial support, disease management, clinical research, innovation and advocacy are the ways AKF impacts lives.
16. Entertainment Industry Foundation (97%)
Artists, athletes and other influencers turn to EIF to increase their impact and leverage their platforms for social good. Serving as a “gateway for giving”, EFI is a multifaceted organization that builds awareness, raises funds and develops programs that facilitate positive social change. EIF has raised over one billion dollars, donated one billion dollars worth of advertising space and supported over 200 charities.
17. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (97%)
The world’s oldest and largest private cancer center, MSK has devoted more than 135 years to cancer care. With state-of-the-art science, clinical studies and treatment, they provide patient care, innovative research and outstanding educational programs. MSK specialists treat every type of cancer with a variety of appointments, support and services.
18. Patient Access Network Foundation (97%)
The PAN Foundation is on a mission to help underinsured people with life-threatening, chronic and rare diseases get medication and treatment. By assisting with out-of-pocket costs, improved access and affordability, they are helping to overcome the challenge of affordability when it comes to critical treatment.
19. Marine Toys for Tots Foundation (96%)
Since 1947, Toys for Tots has delivered 604 million toys to 272 million less fortunate children during the holidays. Directed by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, local toy drives are conducted annually in over 800 communities across the United States between October and December. If you are looking to provide joy to less fortunate youngsters, this is one of the best nonprofits to donate to.
20. Mayo Clinic (96%)
One of the largest nonprofit academic health systems in the United States, Mayo Clinic focuses on caring for patients with serious, complex illnesses. Their mission is to inspire hope and contribute to the health and well-being of every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. Their Minnesota clinic has been recognized as the best hospital in the nation.
21. The Assistance Fund (96%)
The assistance fund is a nonprofit that relies on charitable donations to help patients and families facing high medical costs. They provide financial assistance for copayments, coinsurance, deductibles and other health-related expenses. Covering more than 70 disease programs, TAF has helped nearly 135,000 people access the treatment they need. Patients go through a quick and easy application process, and once approved, they pay the out-of-pocket portion of the costs.
22. Cross International (95%)
By reaching those in the deepest need around the world, Cross International helps people thrive by overcoming “physical and spiritual poverty”. With 38 projects in 10 countries, 40,000 children around the world are helped with food, clean water, child care, medical aid, education, housing, emergency relief and self-sufficiency through business support.
23. Food for the Poor (95%)
Working in 17 countries throughout the Caribbean and Latin America, Food for the Poor provides lifesaving support for those living in extreme poverty. Through housing, clean water, healthcare, emergency relief, education opportunities and more, their vision is the help the materially poor and to renew the poor in spirit.
24. Scholarship America (95%)
Scholarship America connects more students to more dollars for education than any other scholarship provider. Since 1958, they have distributed $4.5 billion to help fulfill their college dreams of 2.8 million students. With a goal of creating a world of equity, respect and inclusion, they strive to give every student access to opportunities to learn, grow, succeed and thrive.
25. St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance (95%)
Determined to end hunger in Arizona, St. Mary’s Food Bank has gathered and distributed food for over 50 years. Serving 9 of Arizona’s 15 counties, they offer food distribution to hundreds of nonprofit partners, a children’s food program, and hands-on training programs to help adults gain employment.
Use the links above to donate to one of these amazing nonprofits, and you’ll rest assured knowing that your contribution will go largely or fully to the cause. Thank you for your charity as we come into the end of the year and the holiday season.

Thank you for publishing this report. I don’t usually donate because of hearing that most of the proceeds go into the CEO’s pockets!!
I’m an animal lover, too. Wish I could get this kind of information in regard to the better “animal rescues”, also.
Thanks again!
Hi Sharon,
If you love animals, donating to a rescue organization is a great idea. There are various resources available from watchdog organizations that can assist you in determining which nonprofits are best. These watchdog organizations look at the financials of nonprofits and rate them based on the percentage of money used on administrative/overhead spending. It’s usually suggested that a group limit their administrative/overhead spending to about 10-15%. Here are a couple of watchdog organization websites you can refer to: https://www.charitywatch.org/ and https://www.charitynavigator.org/
Just leaving a reply and others concerns relative to use of contributions of funds I read Sharon’s reply to charities. I do donate to causes I feel are critical to humanity. When I look into profits contributions to Charities, I do wonder where it goes and what are the results given.
So many times one can see salaries which are high-ended and I often feel they are advantaged to a large scale. I get concerned as to why they are making something much? It just tilts to being a little greedy and just what results have actually been produced?
Most people who donate to causes, do they question as to how it is being used? My Dad would teach us to donate 10 percent and that might become more based on beliefs but not being wealthy, you strive to stretch that money on good will. Then I see the spectrum of salaries to CEO’s and feel there is no self commitment on their part. I don’t see a cap or regulation to how much one makes on “Charity” When I see how much person’s makes I begin to feel it’s just a profitable end.
I know some people who who are genuinely given to help and I do hope they are greatly Recognized and Respected and esteemed in their work and I am glad they are recognized by the “Rating System” and having a glass ceiling to determine their proof. We All need to know what real work Charities give and focus on the Good of its’ accomplished weight of work it has actually done. I do watch Charity Navigator and others to determine intent but wonder exactly what is being done with all that money – am I wrong?
Yes, I agree. I’m guilty as far as giving. I need to know if the majority of the fattest go to the charity, and not to management. Don’t get me wrong. I live on a small single woman’s pension.. I would just rather give the money in person to people I know would appreciate it and really need it then send it to the Red Cross or other charities. Sorry.
Yes I agree, I’ve always given to Charities all my life even with my small 20,000 a year income. I always felt it was good to help others. Then one day I decided to look up with the CEOs make and I was utterly disgusted. Some of them make millions of dollars while I’m giving on such a small income. That makes me very sad and upset that they can dare take that much money for whatever they are doing. I’m very careful now who I give to and how much. I think it should be against the law that a CEO would make that much money when there are people, animals, and the environment in need that they are saying that they are helping. How much of their large salary are they giving ? Just wanted to give my thoughts out there. I feel it is very sad that I no longer give very much to many causes anymore because of this greed.
I have always donated to St. Jude – for many years now. I just read that Marlo Thomas takes a $9 million salary from the Chairity!!! OMG! If that is true, I think it is terrible – very greedy! Has anyone ever heard this before?
Hi Carol,
It’s a great idea to research how charities spend the money they receive. Guidestar is a good resource for information like this. http://www.guidestar.org
I read the email chain responses and I feel the same way regarding management salaries, particularly top management. I was about to give to Prison Fellowship Minisrtries’ Angel Tree program to send children of incarcerated parent/s to summer camp and in looking deeper this time ( I had given same program for Christmas gifts to children who have a parent in prison) I was shocked and disgusted to find the CEO making $440,806/yr and collectively the top 5 management people’s salary totaled close to $1.297 million a year (rounded) in 2023. I understand it is a very big organization so must be a big job but like other comments seems greedy and I too wonder how much money those earners are giving back and where else are donations going to besides direct services. Their program expense ratio for past 3 years is 67.73% and while the organization still sponsors wonderful programs and services from a huge budget I will feel better giving to more local charities with the same or similar outreach.
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