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The Ultimate Guide to Being Treasurer
A Complete Handbook for Small Nonprofits
Become treasurer with confidence! The new Ultimate Guide to Being a Nonprofit Treasurer is your comprehensive handbook for managing your club's finances effectively. Essential knowledge, practical tips and actionable duties await.
Grab Your Copy!
With 87 pages of digital or printable material, your new role just got easier. Now available for $24.95.
MoneyMinder subscribers get the guide free.
Getting Lost in Research for Your New Role?
Take the guesswork out of what it takes to be a PTA Treasurer with a roadmap to success. From mastering budgeting to managing finances, this guide covers it all. Inside, you'll discover essential tips for budgeting, banking, donations, payment processors, tax filing, compliance, risk management and auditing.

What's Inside
Unlock the secrets of successful nonprofit bookkeeping when you get the Ultimate Guide! Whether you're stepping into this position for the first time or you're looking for a refresher, ensure smooth financial operations where every "i" is dotted and every "t" is crossed.
✓ How to Get Started
✓ Getting Organized
✓ Budgeting Best Practices
✓ Banking & Reconciliation
✓ Handling Cash & Donations
✓ Using Payment Processors
✓ 990 & Filing Tax Forms
✓ Compliance, Risk Management & Audits
PLUS, get over 20 sample treasurer documents, forms, checklists, templates, agendas, letters, reports and more!

Who We Are

Over 20 Years of Financial Bliss for Small Nonprofits
MoneyMinder has been the trusted choice for thousands of nonprofits, clubs and associations for over two decades. MoneyMinder's three pillars—Security, Ease of Use and Affordability—have garnered it industry awards, customer praise and unprecedented loyalty through the years.
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