How to Void a check

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If the check has not been recorded in MoneyMinder:

Click the Banking icon in the sidebar.

Click the Actions dropdown to the right of the bank account.

Choose New Withdrawal from the dropdown.

Fill out the appropriate fields, use $0.00 for the dollar amount, then click Void in the lower left corner.

Click Save & Close.

If the check has already been recorded in MoneyMinder:

Click the Banking icon in the sidebar.

Click the Actions dropdown to the right of the bank account.

Choose View Register from the dropdown.

Find the check in the bank register and click the Details button to edit it.

Click the Void button in the lower left corner.

Click Save & Close.


Enter an explanation (if needed) in the Memo area. This is a good place to put in the number of the replacement check if one has been issued.

When choosing a Category, many groups set up an NSF/Void Category, usually under an Admin Heading.

Make sure to keep the actual voided check and clearly mark it VOID. This is important for the Financial Review and guarantees that the check was not simply misplaced or stolen.

On the next bank reconciliation, check off the voided check. That completes the process.

IMPORTANT: This is not an appropriate method to use for checks from prior years because it would change the beginning bank balance. Click here for instructions on voiding checks written in a prior financial year.

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1 Comment

  1. Allison Lawson

    This is also not an appropriate method to use for checks from prior months. This does not work when check needs to be voided in next month. It changes past month’s reports and the current month’s starting balance.

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