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How to Import your Store transactions

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To import Store transactions, click the Store icon in the toolbar.

Identify which Collection you’d like to start with (if you have multiple Collections). Click the Import Transactions button to the right of that collection.

Select the date range you’d like to have fetched for import and then click Fetch transactions to import:

Click Import next to the item you would like to import:

Or click the hide button to hide it from your list:

Check that all fields are filled in correctly and assign a category if it is not auto-filled (correctly) as seen in this example:

Click Save & Close. This will take you back to the screen with Transactions Available to Import. Import one by one until finished.

When you withdraw funds from your store and deposit them into your bank account, you’ll record this as a New Transfer in MoneyMinder.

Click the Actions dropdown to the right of the Store Clearing account.

Choose New Transfer from the dropdown.

The From bank account should be your Store Clearing account. The To bank account should be the account where the money was deposited, i.e. your checking account.

Fill in the details and click Save.

Note: If you import transactions into your bank account, be sure to hide deposits from Cheddar Up, DO NOT import them. These deposits are reflected in the transfer. If you import those deposits, they will be double-counted in your bank register.

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  1. Sandra Halbrook

    If we take a cash payment in the cheddar up app, it imports but says “Transaction handled outside of Cheddar Up”. I can understand why I can’t import the cash transaction but is there a way to hide it or otherwise address it, so it doesn’t keep coming up as a transaction available to import?

    1. Traci Hahn

      Hi Sandra,

      Yes, you can hide those transactions in the import screen by clicking the “eye” symbol to the left of the import button.

  2. Jennifer

    Is there a way to mass import transactions into one category? For instance we run a store for a fundraiser, and within that fundraiser the purchaser can purchase multiple items from different item types. When it is time to import the transactions we have to manually go through each sale and then manually assign the category for each item purchased. This is time consuming. Is there an easier, less time consuming way to do this?

    1. Traci Hahn

      Hi Jennifer,

      There are a couple of things you could consider in this situation.

      First, if you make your budget category names in MoneyMinder the same as the item names in your Cheddar Up store, the budget categories will auto-full when importing. You will still import each transaction individually, but the budget category will auto-fill which can save time.

      The second thing you might consider is if you don’t need to track the details of each item, but only want to track the amount you make on the fundraiser, you can decide NOT to import each transaction from your Cheddar Up Store. Instead, you can just record the deposit in your bank account when you move the money from Cheddar Up and apply the whole deposit to the fundraiser category. This way it will all be applied to the fundraising category in one deposit instead of many individual transactions.

      Which option you choose will depend on how much detail you would like to capture.

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