Volunteers are the beating heart of your organization. They provide a wide range of services and skills that help your group reach its goals. They are willing to donate their time and energy — one of our most precious gifts — to make a difference.
So, why not take the time to show gratitude toward these people for their hard work and dedication? Acknowledging their efforts is a great way to remind them that their work is valued. It encourages them to be engaged and may even make them consider giving more time to your organization.
Remember the annual Dundie awards on the show The Office? Don’t worry, this isn’t like that. Volunteer Awards can be fun, to be sure. But don’t make them too silly. This is a time to show sincerity and honor these important members of your team.
Still, if your budget allows, it could be nice to host a small event to present your volunteer awards. If not, an announcement on your group’s social media page, email newsletter or group text string are also appropriate. Present them with the following certificates to add to your presentation.

10 Types of Volunteer Award Certificates
*Right-click each award to copy or download an image, or click for a printable PDF.
1. Long-Term Service Award
Honor someone for 2, 5, 10 or 20 years of service. Wow, what an accomplishment.

2. Leadership Award
Is there a person in your organization that is always there, guiding others to the right outcomes?

3. Generosity Award
Some people are just truly generous with their time or other resources.

4. Mentor Award
This person deserves an award for showing the others — new or young volunteers in your group — the way things work.

5. RAOK Award
When someone has provided an extraordinary act of kindness, honor them with the Random Acts of Kindness Award.

6. Dedication Award
Is there someone who is simply 100% dedicated to your cause and always there when you need them?

7. Above and Beyond Award
When things get a little sticky and require someone to go above and beyond the call of volunteer duty, don’t forget to thank them.

8. Hardest Working Volunteer Award
We all know that one person that just digs right in and gets the job done and doesn’t stop until it’s quittin’ time — or even long after that.

9. Community Service Award
For that volunteer who makes a big difference in his or her community.

10. General Volunteer Award
For when you feel that you need more of a general award to make sure there are no hurt feelings and everyone gets recognition for their service.

Whether you choose to honor volunteers every quarter or every five years, taking the time to do so can really make an impact on your group’s morale. National Volunteer Week is April 16-22 this year (2023). Start preparing now with these printables. There’s a volunteer award for every volunteer. We hope you found this list useful and that it gave you a boost of inspiration to get out there and share the volunteer light with the world!