Raising your hand to be your PTO or PTA Treasurer might seem like a straightforward task. How complicated can it be to manage your Parent Teacher Association or Organization finances?
In reality, the role carries significant responsibility. From adhering to your group’s bylaws to complying with IRS regulations if you’re a tax-exempt organization, the financial health of your entire group rests on your shoulders.
The mismanagement of PTO or PTA funds can lead to serious consequences, strained relationships and worse, potential legal issues. That’s why it’s essential to have a clear understanding of PTO and PTA Treasurer duties. This guide will break it down on a month-to-month basis, providing you with a roadmap to success in your role.
A quick note before we dive in: please consider this list as suggestions. Your bylaws or a governing body like the National PTA might have different regulations you are required to follow. This list of PTO treasurer duties by date assumes a July 1 start date, so adjust accordingly if your financial year differs.
Ongoing PTO / PTA Treasurer Duties
In addition to the monthly tasks outlined in this guide, there are some essential financial responsibilities that must be done each month or even more frequently.
- Decide on your accounting system
- Pay bills
- Deposit all cash and checks
- Record transactions
- Reconcile your bank account(s)
- Prepare and present the monthly Treasurer Report
- Consider doing a monthly mini-financial-review
- Attend meetings like board and committee meetings
→ Get the Guide: Getting Started as PTO / PTA Treasurer
Monthly PTO / PTA Treasurer Duties
July / August

The start of the new school year is the perfect time to kickstart your treasurer duties. These first couple of months are critical for setting your own personal work pace, organizational system, and the financial foundation of your group.
- Review your group’s bylaws
- Review your group’s standing rules
- Be familiar with your responsibilities and fulfill them
- Get educated: take advantage of in-person and online training opportunities
- Review prior year’s financial records to make sure they are in order
- Check that your insurance is in place
- Review what was left to you in the Daily Operations Binder, Critical Documents Binder and Treasurer’s Bin (review the Getting Started guide for more)
- Review any legal documents to ensure compliance (fundraising contracts, movie license, charitable solicitations, gaming license – if applicable)
- Change account signers at the bank; verify their process and necessary documents/requirements in advance
- Setup a new set of books/financial records for the fiscal year
- Review your budget if one was prepared by the prior board. If one has not already been created, develop a budget and adopt it at your next meeting
- Change officers on the Secretary of State’s Corporation website (when due)
- Ensure your state annual renewal is up to date
- Ensure your 990 filings are up to date
- Update all passwords for online accounts after July 1
- Ensure that your annual financial review (aka PTA / PTO Audit) has been completed
- Transfer ownership of merchant accounts ie (PayPal, Square, Stripe, Venmo and Zelle)
September / October

As the school year gains momentum, so do your treasurer responsibilities. Keep tabs on the ongoing tasks listed above, and expect financial activity to increase as fundraising events and school activities pick up.

With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s essential to stay on top of your financial responsibilities while balancing the increased demands of the season.
- If your group has a 501c3 determination from the IRS and your financial year started July 1, file appropriate IRS 990, 990-N or 990-EZ form by November 15. These forms MUST be filed electronically.
- If your group pays individuals for services, collect personal information using the IRS W9 form and request 1099-NEC forms from the IRS.
- Check that your insurance payment is made (these are often due in November)

As you approach the halfway point of the fiscal year, the calendar year is winding down. Take some time to reflect on your accomplishments so far, and identify areas of improvement. While you continue with your ongoing duties, take the opportunity to set some goals for the remainder of the school year.
January through March

With a new calendar year comes new financial responsibilities. Outside of routine tasks, this month is the one to focus on issuing 1099’s to any contractors. It’s also a good time to revisit the annual budget and make any necessary adjustments halfway through the year. Because school groups typically don’t do fundraisers after spring break, you’ll probably have a lot of transactions as your final fundraisers come to fruition.
- If your PTO or PTA pays individuals for services, fill out 1099-NEC forms; send one copy to the individual and the other to the IRS before the April tax deadline

As spring approaches, the end of the school year starts to come into sight. April is a critical month for financial wrap-up duties. One of the most important activities that takes place around this time is starting your budget for next year.
- File your Department of Revenue Sales Tax Form by April 15 (if applicable)
- Develop and present a preliminary budget for the following financial year
- Plan your treasurer transition with the newly elected Treasurer if your term is coming to an end

As the school year comes to a close, focus on preparing for your PTO or PTA’s upcoming fiscal year. Finalize the annual budget and present it to membership for approval.
- Submit proposed budget to the General Membership for approval (timing is based on bylaws)
- Continue transition with incoming board (if applicable)
- Check to see if any renewals are due before your term ends (Charitable Solicitations, Gaming, Movie Night, etc.)

For most Parent Teacher Organizations, this is the last month of a treasurer’s term. Complete the handover of financial responsibilities to the incoming treasurer, ensuring a smooth transition. Close out any remaining financial tasks and prepare your final report. A good outgoing treasurer will keep him or herself available to the incoming treasurer for a few months to answer any questions.
- Meet with newly elected Treasurer and plan transfer of records
- Transfer ownership of merchant accounts ie (PayPal, Square, Stripe, Venmo)
- If leaving your unit, be sure to remove yourself from any and all bank/merchant accounts.
- Destroy and dispose of your debit card if being removed from the bank account.
- It is customary for the outgoing treasurer to complete an Annual Report before their term ends. In fact, National PTA requires this by August 1st as part of your annual reporting.
→ Get the Guide to Wrapping Up as PTO / PTA Treasurer
Get Ready for Financial Fun!
Is the role of PTO/PTA Treasurer more or less involved than you thought? Either way, you’re in for an incredibly rewarding experience.
By following this month-to-month guide, you’ll be well-equipped to manage your group’s finances effectively. Every dollar you raise (and keep track of) brings you one step closer to enriching a child’s life. So roll up your sleeves, embrace the challenge and let’s get started.