Rotary Club meetings are essential for the success of the club. Meetings are typically held weekly and should have a focus on fellowship. But what is the most efficient use of time in those meetings?

First, the president of the club will preside over all meetings. After the meeting is called to order, the president will introduce any visitors or guests. The committee will then share their reports. Any relevant topics, concerns or questions shall be brought up during the club business portion. Lastly, there will be a short program given by a speaker.
The purpose of these meetings is to catch up on business, enjoy a meal and presentation and enjoy each other’s company.
Below we have attached two sample meeting agendas: one for a 60-minute meeting, and one for a 90-minute meeting. The biggest difference between the 60-minute agenda and the 90-minute agenda is that there is a significant amount of time set aside for meals and fellowship.
Download the templates below to use at your next Rotary Club meeting.