Kiwanis has over a century of rich history steeped in community service for kids and communities. With Kiwanis, children can thrive, prosper and grow thanks to hundreds of thousands of members and volunteers worldwide. Kiwanis projects can include everything from the creation of playgrounds to bike safety clinics. Each year, clubs collectively raise more than $100 million.
With such a great mission to fulfill, it’s vital that Kiwanis Clubs keep the energy and invigoration alive year after year. Here are some simple ways you can make sure you’re doing your best to attract new members and keep them engaged as time goes on.
2. Social media might seem daunting for some, but make sure you keep your Facebook and other social pages up-to-date. This is the best way to get your content shared among your current members’ networks and beyond.
3. Don’t hesitate to add some online fundraisers into the mix. Even if/when we are no longer in a pandemic, virtual events are a great way to raise some extra money and gain exposure, and we predict they’re here to stay.
4. Give each member the chance to participate on a greater level from time to time. Like any good manager, try to figure out where people’s strengths lie and encourage them to get involved at a greater level. The more ingrained your members are, the more likely they will stay — and tell their friends.
5. Make it easy for members to share with friends. Tag and share photos, videos and information about all of your events and make it easy for your members to do so as well.
6. Foster a sense of gratitude in everything your group does. From meetings to social posts, be sure to provide thanks and recognition for those who help your organization thrive. This can reduce turnover and attract new members.
7. Promote the fact that joining Kiwanis helps develop leadership skills. While it shouldn’t be the only reason to join, having Kiwanis on the resume of a young job-seeker can certainly help them land their next career.
8. Circulate the word about what you have been up to and what you are planning. This can be done via a weekly newsletter, social media, bulletin boards — you name it.
9. From K-Kids and Key Club to Circle K, one of the best ways to grow membership and involvement is to “start em’ young”, as they say. So coordinate with your local Kiwanis groups to engage the whole Kiwanis family.
10. Host lots of events including a “Bring a Friend” night, where you can play games, perform a service and learn more about the Kiwanis mission.
Are you a Kiwanis member? We salute you! We would be honored to give you a personalized demo of MoneyMinder for Service Clubs. From bookkeeping and membership to taxes and budgeting, MoneyMinder is the accounting software designed just for service clubs like yours. It’s easy to learn and use, with the features you need — no more, no less.