It’s the holiday season, and a great time of year to show the teachers in your life just how much you and your family appreciate them. In a follow-up to our popular thank you poems for teachers, and keeping in mind how hectic this time of year can get, here are 10 short, sweet, and printable poems that convey warmth and gratitude to a hardworking educator.
Use your scrapbooking skills, print out our graphic or have your little one practice handwriting one of these messages and present your teacher with a little sweet treat: a baggie of cookies, an ornament, or M&M’s (in one case) for a touch of seasonal flair.
Christmas Poems for Teachers
The first poem is brought to you by Leilani and Emily at There is a girl version that is equally as adorable and substitutes joy with bliss and little boy with little miss.
Thank You for Teaching
It’s not always easy
It’s not always fun
But Thank You so much for being the one
Who high fives and listens and ties all his shoes
And gets him to smile when he’s feeling the blues
Thank you for patience and laughing and joy
Thank you for teaching my little boy!
The nifty author at wrote this short and sweet thank you poem. Give to a favorite teacher, daycare provider or babysitter.
I Wanted You to Know
I give you this holiday card because I wanted you to know
That I’m grateful for your hard work in helping me to grow.
For your constant understanding and for always being there,
To tell me I can do it and to show me you care.
Although your child will be with his or her teacher for another six or seven months, here’s a great one to wish your teacher a Happy New Year.
Happy New Year
As we welcome in a new year
I just wanted to say
Thanks for being here
For me in every way
I’ve learned a lot these past months
And there’s much to look forward to
So here’s to a happy new year
And a great big “thank you”!
Here is the classic M&M poem, but with a little creativity you can have fun mixing up the colors and words. This version is from Maryann at The idea is that the poem accompanies a jar or bag of M&M’s.
Magnificent & Marvelous
Green is for the inspiration you give me each day
Blue is for your patience in showing me the way
Orange is for your warmth and caring style
Brown is for curiosity you’ve helped me to steer
Red is for my life that you have touched this year
Thanks for being my “Magnificent” & “Marvelous” Teacher!
One thing you know most teachers love is a hot drink from their favorite coffee shop. If they don’t drink coffee, it’s still a treat to have a nice cup of tea or even hot chocolate. Try this short poem with a $5, $10 or $15 drink gift card for the holidays this year. *Even better: try a local coffee shop instead of a national chain to support local business and thank your teacher!*
Thanks a Latte
This year has been great
I’ve learned quite a lot
Now go take a break
And get something hot
Thanks a latte & Merry Christmas!
Who doesn’t love Dr. Seuss? The beloved author’s sense of fun and wonderment are captured well here in a thank you poem by Elizabeth Lund found at
Oh, the Places You’ll Go
Oh, the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored, and games to be won.
You can hike to the moon, or some magical wild,
Or perhaps you’ll stay home with some bills to be filed.
But, wherever you are, just know this to b true
That difference you made to a child who knew you.
The difference you made isn’t small, isn’t mild
It’s the difference you’ve made in the life of my child.
Thank you!
If you want to give deeper thanks to your teacher for doing more than just teaching your child but for choosing his or her profession and making a difference in this world, look no further than this thoughtful poem. This would also be a great, heartfelt Valentine’s Day poem for your child’s teacher.
Hearts You Reach When You Teach
In many ways,
For endless days,
You’re ever giving.
It’s your living,
That stands out,
With such clout.
You climb the hill,
Inspire, instill,
Us the same,
Keep our aim.
You open minds
Each one finds,
Their path to see,
True destiny.
Hearts you reach
When you teach.
Short on time? Poppyseedprints found on Etsy has a number of fabulous instant print out options for home printing and is also available for uploading to an online printing service like Shutterfly, Costco or Walmart.
Just a Small Reminder
Just a small reminder
So that you’ll always know
We surely do appreciate
How you help the children grow.
Thank you!
For this holiday gift idea, go spend $3 to $7 and get your child’s teacher a yummy smelling bottle of hand sanitizer, hand soap or lotion and attach the short poem.
Hands Down, You’re The Best
To my wonderful teacher, like no one around
Who continues to help me grow leaps and bounds
From numbers and letters to quizzes and tests
There’s no question, hands down, you’re the best.
Happy Holidays!
Keeping with the “small gift and a poem” theme, try giving your teacher a package of Kit Kats and wishing him or her the best on Winter break with this short message of thanks.
You Deserve a Break
Thanks for always being kind
And making lesson plans fun
A winter break for all comes to mind
Thanks for being number one!
‘Tis the season for giving and nothing says appreciation to a teacher as well as a heartfelt thank you poem. Go easy on yourself and print one at home on a nice card stock. If you are long on patience let your kiddos loose with the markers, glue sticks and glitter. This simple gesture will go a long way with the folks who spend so much time and effort in encouraging the development of little minds.