When you think of a little league coach’s role, you probably don’t picture a bunch of paperwork. But collecting dues and managing the team’s finances is your responsibility, too. Spring training is just around the corner and we want to make sure you have a winning season, not a seasonal headache.
Get Organized
Know what the fees are and when they are due. Consider extra tournament fees or traveling fees outside of regular season fees and make sure that these are clearly communicated to the parents up before the season starts. It is a good idea to have a list of fees for the parents when they sign the child up, just so they can know what expenses to plan for.
If prompt payment has been a concern in the past, maybe a payment agreement is a good idea. It’s simply a form that states the fees and due dates, the player’s information and an option for automatic payment. Parents can fill out their credit card payment, agree to a monthly payment date and sign the form. The team administrator can then charge their card according to the agreement.
Use Technology
There are a number of digital software systems that can help with the administration and finances of a little league team. Software can make player and payment tracking much easier than the old notebook or Excel spread sheet.
Technology can also make taking payments a breeze. Think about taking credit card payment with a smartphone. Simply set up a PayPal or Square account, they will provide you with a credit card swiper that you plug into your phone and you are set to take payments! These systems can email receipts as well, an important aspect of the transaction.
Another payment shortcut is to deposit checks with your phone. Most banks offer mobile banking and with a few snaps of your phone through their system, you can deposit checks.
Stay Focused
Keep in mind that the goal of little league is to teach kids about baseball and enjoy the sport. If there is a late-paying parent it is your responsibility to communicate promptly and clearly with the parent. Be sure to keep issues completely separate from their little player.
As a coach it is your job to make sure the team has a good experience. Record keeping and administration shouldn’t get in the way of playing baseball.
Have a great baseball season by getting organized ahead of time. Clearly communicate fee expectations with your team parents. Try using software to manage dues and fees and check out user friendly technologies. Follow these tips and your team will be a winner, no matter the score.