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Budget (aka Chart of Accounts)

Setting up your Budget for users starting a new financial year

In this article, we'll walk MoneyMinder's existing Users through three different options for setting up their Budget in their new financial year.

How to handle Budget carry forwards from prior years

There are times when an activity that was budgeted this year did not use all of its allocated budget. And you might want to consider that unused money as something that is to be carried over and used next year for that same activity. Here's how to show that in MoneyMinder.

Budgeting funds that don’t belong to your group

If you collect dues on behalf of a parent organization you'll need to properly account for that starting with your budget. Learn how here.

How to handle Restricted funds

Some groups set aside funds that can only be used for a particular purpose (sometimes referred to as restricted funds). Here is how you can keep track of these funds and produce reports that will provide transparency to your group.

Where to enter your Chart of accounts?

Learn how to enter & organize your chart of accounts, referred to as the Budget in MoneyMinder.

Tracking budget changes

There are times during the year when you may need to make changes to your budget. This article includes step-by-step instructions along with our recommendations for maintaining a paper trail.

Setting up a Budget at the beginning of your 30-day free trial

In this article, we'll walk MoneyMinder Users who are just starting their 30-day free trial through three different options for setting up their Budget (a.k.a Chart of Accounts) for the first time.

Understanding the Basics of MoneyMinder

It’s helpful to understand the basics of how MoneyMinder works, in order to set up and work within the application. Knowing how budget, banking, and reports fit together is key.

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