25 Top Environmental Non-Profits


  1. Would like info on how to create a non profit and or endowment for our unique community environment that is Gulf side with pier / beach / freshwater lake and water shed ? We want to enhance -protect and manage our asset and need additional funding ? Can anyone assist? KT

    1. Julie Rice

      Hi John,

      Thanks for reaching out to us here at MoneyMinder! MoneyMinder is an online, not-for-profit accounting software, we help out with your accounting software needs after your nonprofit group has been set up. There are a lot of great links online for information on how to set up a non profit. Here is one of many you will find: https://www.usa.gov/start-nonprofit and of course you would want to do your own search and find the best information for your needs. We wish you the best of luck and success in your endeavor, it sounds like a beautiful area!

      Warm regards,

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