The school year is coming to an end, and for the summer we’ll say goodbye to school friends. Your teacher worked hard all year, and now it’s time to bring him/her some cheer. No amount of money can amount to what you owe ’em, so why not show teacher appreciation with a poem?
These teacher appreciation poems are sure to inspire, so don’t get nervous and start to perspire! Write your own poem if you dare, or use one of these, we won’t care!

Thank You, Teacher
You’re my teacher, you are the best
To me, you stand out among the rest
Helping me each day to learn
With each day, a page to turn.
The seeds you’ve planted will help me bloom
But now is the time to say “thanks” to you
For not just anybody can do the job you do
It takes a hero, just like you.
So thank you, teacher, you’re an inspiration
For all the students you’ve provided an education
Given us lessons and motivation
So now it’s time for a well-deserved vacation!

My Special Teacher
You are my special teacher
I just want you to know
I always had fun in your class
How the time has flown!
Thank you for helping me
To learn all that I know
I will always remember you
Even when I’m grown!
I’ll miss you being my teacher
I know the reason why
I am feeling very sad
Because it’s time to say goodbye.

Favorite Teacher
Author Unknown
Thank you, favorite teacher
For acting like a friend,
And taking time to show me,
Lessons hard to comprehend.
Thank you for your caring
And lots of other stuff;
For all the things you gave me,
I can’t thank you enough.

One Hundred Years From Now
Excerpt from “Within My Power” by Forest Witcraft
“One Hundred Years from now It will not matter what kind of car I drove, What kind of house I lived in, how much money was in my bank account nor what my clothes looked like. But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child.”

Thank You For Inspiring Me
William Arthur Ward
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

Can you please write one for my clarinet teacher? She is amazing, and inspired me to grow and learn.
best poems
loved them
My Teacher You are My Hero!
You care when I was nothing
You teach me when I was a kid,
You gave me a glimpse of happiness each day,
You Encourage To Be The Best,
You are My Hero that I’m just eager to be like him.
Thanks You teacher For Everything.
I love all of these
best poems which I have heard in my lifetime
your not wrong i started crying writing some for my teacher who is leaving.
wow i love these poems there straght amazing i can’t belive it
my poem
she stays with you through thick and cold
she stays with you through young and old
she never forgets you in her heart without her you couldn’t be so smart
she is the star that helps me shine
without her,I feel indefinite
I love these teacher appreciation poems! They are so sweet and heartfelt. I can’t imagine not being grateful for the teachers in my life. Thank you for sharing them!
We’re glad that you love the poems. We agree teachers are incredibly important and deserve so much appreciation. Thanks for your comment.
awwwwwww so much lovely…………………../ loved themmmmmmmmmmmmmm………………………..//
i loved the first and third one i wrote two to my teacher thanks for the two people
who wrote that.
These poems are such a lovely way to express gratitude to our teachers! I especially loved the one about the impact of a teacher’s kindness. It’s great to see creative ways to appreciate those who shape our lives. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words!
i really loved these poems because it made my teacher in tears when i wrote it to her.I love my teacher.❤️