
How to Get Started as a Group or Club Treasurer

1 Comment

  1. Hi,

    I am the Treasurer of a newly-revived Chinese Club. Our President is a sophomore; the communications officer, vice president, secretary, and myself are all freshmen. No one has stepped up to make this club a reality. I went to the interest meeting to see about getting involved in this club, thinking that this was an already-running organization and that I would just attend as a member, but before I knew it . . . Surprise! I’m the club treasurer. Yay.

    My parents have been running a non-profit organization for eight years. I’ve been the grunt work when fundraising, but I’ve never been involved at an administrative level. Help! I feel like I’ve been “voluntold” throughout my childhood when it comes to things like this, and now the process is repeating itself.

    But if I don’t do this, no one else will. I really love Chinese and want this club to thrive. Any tips?

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