So, you’ve just become the new treasurer for your nonprofit. Way to go! But now what? Here are a few tips to help get you started.
Ideally, you’ll work with the outgoing treasurer to learn what you need to do in the treasurer’s role and how to do it. If possible, you’ll want to meet several times during the transition. You’ll also receive the group’s crucial documents and files at this time. Among other things, these documents often include the organization’s bylaws and bank and tax records.
Be sure to get familiar with your group’s bylaws. They’ll help you understand your group’s rules and shed light on your responsibilities as treasurer. Reviewing past financial reports, board meeting minutes, and budgets also may be helpful.
During the transition, make sure that you and the incoming board members gain access to the group’s bank accounts and that the outgoing board’s access is removed. You should also check on your group’s insurance status and whether taxes for the most recent year have been filed.
If your group uses an online bookkeeping app, the outgoing treasurer can provide access so you can learn to use this important tool. A web-based app like MoneyMinder makes it very simple to start your new financial year, enter bank transactions, run reports, store documents & receipts, and even file taxes.
These tips should help get you started in your new role as treasurer. If you would like more treasurer tips and how-to’s, visit We have a variety of resources available to help make your role as treasurer easy and successful.
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