Summertime is here! That means summer sports which come with those pricey team uniforms. If you are transitioning into the treasurer role for your child’s sports team, you should suggest a few fundraising ideas to the kids and parents on your team. Here are some ways players can raise money.
1. Garage Sale: Gather together items that you aren’t using anymore and sell them for a decent price. This could be done as individual families or as a whole team.
2. Silent Auction: Everyone in the neighborhood could benefit from some extra help around the house! A silent auction is a great way for neighbors to “hire” help. Small jobs like cleaning mirrors, watering plants, walking dogs or pulling weeds are perfect for kids.
3. Sell Crafts: Your players can create unique crafts that neighbors would love. Hand drawn greeting cards or painted picture frames are cheap to make and easy to sell to friends and family.
4. Partner With A Retailer: Local retailers might be willing to partner with your team by donating a portion of their profits from a specific time frame. Ask around and see who would be willing to run the promotion then advertise with fliers at the retailer’s register.
5. Walk-a-Thon: This is a fun concept where neighbors gather to walk together. The kids collect donations for every mile walked.
6. Potluck or Bake Sale: Host a potluck night where the community comes together to eat and share their favorite dish. Charge an admissions fee and guests can eat as much as they want!
7. Talent Show: A talent show is a fun way for the kids to show off their skills! Encourage parents to participate too.
Fundraising teaches the kids to work hard for what they want. And though they can be expensive, the kids will be proud knowing they raised the money for their uniforms by themselves. For more treasurer help visit our blog post, Accounting for Sports Teams: 10 Basic Tips.