Your Booster Club can drum up excitement for the new school year with these fun activities. Celebrate the end of summer, build school spirit and look forward to all of the excitement of the upcoming school year.
Spirit Wear Sales
Spirit Wear sales are a great way to raise money for your club while building community and enthusiasm for your school. The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to have a spirit wear sale. A week or two before school starts invite people to the school for the evening or piggyback with a popular sports event. Circulate order forms and get people excited about their new T shirts, sweatshirts and water bottles. Make sure a few informed folks are on hand to educate interested buyers about your Booster Club cause.
5K Fun Run
Host your own “Back to School Fun Run.” Think up a creative theme like, Zombie Apocalypse or Disney Character run. Think about what makes your school great and create a theme around that. Create a course around your school district that gives runners nice scenery and a unique experience. Have some clever aid stations and a fun finish line and you will be raising school spirit one step at a time.
Food Truck
Food trucks are all the rage because they provide delicious food at a reasonable cost and they are easy to manage. Invite one to your school’s playground for an evening of tacos and have the local student band play. This is a great way for families and educators to mingle and meet each other and enjoy an evening together before the hustle and bustle of school.
Coffee Time
Similar to the food truck idea, host a coffee hour for current and interested members. Use this time to get to know each other, reflect over the past year and discuss up and coming items for the future school year. Meet at a local coffee shop or if you have a large crowd, the school cafeteria.
Fertilizer Fundraiser
This idea came from a booster club in Illinois, who sold Alpaca manure as fertilizer. Folks can get a start on their autumn fertilizing with a purchase of paca-poo. Simply find a llama or alpaca farm in your area and ask for a donation, which should be an easy donation to get! Alpaca manure is highly valued by gardeners because of its high nutrient content used for soil and plant growth.
Use these ideas to get your Booster Club on board for a great start to the new school year.

Sources: Chicago Tribune