Basketball season is in full swing. Whether you’re a coach or parent of a player, costs can start to add up. Uniforms, team fees and travel could total $100 to $1,000 depending on your child’s age and competitive level. If your child needs to raise funds for his or her youth basketball team, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 12 fundraising ideas to help those basketball players get on the court.

- B-Ball Themed Concession Stand – Tried and true, have a parent or representative sell snacks and cans of soda at each game. You could even try a concession stand at a local event, such as a concert, play or another sporting event, with permission from the venue, of course! Get creative and put a basketball twist on your concession stand with ideas like “Nothin’ but Net Nachos”, “Three Point Tacos” and “Rice Krispy Basketball Treats”.
- Speed Yard Work – Most people hate doing yard work so they’re willing to pay up. Neighbors can pay for a time slot where the team can speed clean, rake, or shovel snow. What is needed will obviously depend on your current climate. Try and fit several houses into a few hours.
- Shoe Drive – Post fliers around the community about a shoe drive. Pick a specific day to gather gently worn, used and new shoes. Then, organizations such as Fun2Orgs will pick up your donations and send you a check, the amount depending on how much was donated.
- Partner With Local Businesses – Find a popular local business that is willing to partner with your team. Typically, a portion of the profits made on a specific night will be donated to the fundraiser.
- Field Day – Host a field day by setting up games like tug-of-war, kickball, 3-legged race, hula hoop ring toss and more. Charge players for admission. You could also provide healthy snacks. If you live in a colder climate, you could rent out an indoor field or more appropriately, the basketball court!
- Window Cleaning – Window cleaning is something a lot of people procrastinate. So help them out for a fee. It’s a win for everyone!
- Calendars – This is a good time to sell calendars for next year. You can create a custom calendar filled with the team’s artwork or photography. Get them printed in bulk for cheap and sell them to your friends and family.
- Used Book Sales – Ask neighbors to donate books they don’t have room for anymore. Then sell the books to friends and family at a big discount.
- Dinner or Dessert Delivery – Neighbors can sign up for their own personal dinner or dessert delivery. Make sure the menu is something the children can easily make themselves.
- Quiz Bowl – Set up a trivia game and sell tickets to spectators. This would be a great activity for kids and parents to plan together.
- Garage Sale – Get a big group together and host a neighborhood garage sale. If the weather is of concern, make it a sale on the basketball court.
- Raffle a Signed Team Ball – This is a simple method that could take place at another fundraiser mentioned above. Participants will pay a small fee for a ticket. At the end of the event, you will draw a ticket from the bowl. The winner gets a prize of your choice, perhaps a ball signed by your team or the local Pro or Amateur team.
The ideas on this list range in difficulty and earning potential. You may need to adjust these ideas to be appropriate for your child’s age. What fundraisers have you participated in recently? We’d love to hear in the comments below.