An Essential Organizational Tool for Volunteer Treasurers
Part of making your treasurer duties easier is making sure that you have the tools for the job and that they are handy!
Most seasoned treasurers find that a bin of some sort is invaluable – this is the perfect place to store this year’s information. If the bin has rollers, such as a rolling briefcase,you will have a free hand for opening doors or holding a latte on the way to the meeting.
Suggestions for Stocking your Treasurer’s Bin:
- Pens (including a red pen)
- Ruler
- 3-hole punch
- Paper clips
- Calculator
- Envelopes
- Rubber bands
- Post-It Notes
- Stamps
- Bank stamp
- Contact details for board members
- Location of prior years’ records
- Daily operations binder
- Critical documents binder
- Check request forms
- Request for funds forms
- Postage stamps
- Checkbook
- Deposit book
- Receipt book
- Cash count worksheet