What should PTO & PTA Treasurers do in the Summer? Check out our 2024 PTO & PTA Treasurer’s Summer Checklist!
Remember during the school year when you were up to your eyeballs in paperwork and kids’ sports and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) fundraisers? When you wished you just had one free minute to catch up on the little things? Well, summer’s the best time to complete all the miscellaneous PTA tasks you couldn’t accomplish during the school year. Check out our summer checklist for PTA members.
- Get calendaring. Trust us, it’s a verb any PTA member should know. Whatever calendaring system you use, start to plug in key dates such as school start date, holidays, breaks, parent teacher conferences, etc.
- Set up your social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, YouTube and other social networking sites can be vital for building your PTA community. Take a little time this summer to set up some networks you can easily plug information into when the school year starts.
- Implement a better treasury system. Sick and tired of paperwork, Excel spreadsheets, and disjointed organization? Select and implement a new treasury software to get everyone in your organization on the same page.
- Start to get school supply lists together and post them (via social media, your website, e-newsletter, or mailer) with plenty of advance notice for parents who want to be “on the ball”.
- Start looking at your budget for the year. Determine how much money you’ll need to raise in order to meet your goals. Try using a software program like BudgetBuilder to build a free budget for your group.
- Work on your website if you have one. It’s not always necessary for a PTA group to have a dedicated website, but summer is a great time to create one, or make the edits to your design, layout or code that you’ve been meaning to get around to.
- Think about scheduling a casual meeting or get together with key members of your group to recap on the year and get candid opinions on what members would like to accomplish next year. Summer is a good time to do some thinking, but you don’t want to wait too long to convene.
- Try to get some new blood into your organization by recruiting. A team is only as good as its members, and having a wealth of varied, involved parents and teachers makes for the best performing PTA.