If you're a small, tax-exempt organization with gross receipts averaging between $50,000 and $200,000, you are likely…
IRS Form 990-N, often referred to as the "e-Postcard", is a document that most small, tax-exempt organizations…
Form 990-EZ is a required IRS form for tax-exempt organizations that take in less than $200,000 in…
Calling all small nonprofit organizations with annual revenue under $50,000! MoneyMinder is here to simplify your 990-N…
Following is a transcript from this episode of MoneyMinder’s Two Minute Treasurer’s Tip Podcast. Welcome to the…
Most, although not all, of the groups we serve here at MoneyMinder are classified as 501(c)(3). When…
Did you know that it pays to volunteer? Not only are you pitching in and supporting a…